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The windows-based graphical user interface is the primary means for configuring the PhotoniQ and collecting event data. Through the front panel display, the user can setup and control the event acquisition process and view the acquired data in real time. Various pull-down menus are used for configuring the PhotoniQ, setting parameters for advanced processing routines, and performing diagnostic functions. High speed event logging is initiated through the GUI which disables the display function while logging at very high rates. A set of Windows-based USB drivers is included for more advanced users who wish to bypass the GUI entirely to directly control and acquire data from the PhotoniQ from their custom application.


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The bar graph display mode is useful when event data is in the form of spectral bands such as in fluorescence detection applications. It can also be used with one dimensional linear position sensors.




Two dimensional data is easily graphed using the 2D display mode. Nuclear particle analysis and imaging applications such as PET and SPECT display event information in x-y coordinates with the z-coordinate (intensity) representing the energy of the particle.